Week 10 (fifth session)

This week we recorded the trumpet track on saxophone and rerecorded the clavinet. The saxophone was an alto saxophone played by Daz. In the picture below we set up 2 microphones. 1 AKG 414 dynamic microphone which was position 1 and a half metres away and a shure sm57 cardiod dynamic microphone much closer. We used the sm57 because it captures high frequences well.


On the desk we sent input 1 and 2 to 10 and 11 on mix b as they were the last free tracks available.  Charlotte asked Daz to play whilst we set the levels to 0db. Once this was done and daz had warmed up we recorded it on pro tools with a few mistakes. We re recorded the parts where the 2nd verse was played to early by using the quick punch tool to correct the mistake. We then did a 2nd recording and double tracked track 11 to create a more rich and full sound.



After listening to the song back again we noticed the clavinet track from the previous week had some clipping sounds due to a faulty aux cable so we re recorded the clavinet track an octave higher with the cable fixed. We did this on track the previous clavinet had been recorded on.

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